Autocovariance function (ACF)#
Before we can look into the modelling of a stochastic process using an Autoregressive (AR) model, we first need to introduce the autocovariance function (ACF) for a stationary time series, and describe the relationship between ACF and a power spectral density (PSD).
As in the Chapter on #TODO (add reference to obs theory), the variance component is often determined based on the precision of an observation (at a given epoch), and the covariance components quantitatively indicate the statistical dependence (or independence) between observations. In this case, dependence is inherently introduced by the physical processes that produce the signal (of which our time series is a sample), and in fact our time series methods seek to (mathematically) account for this.
Autocovariance and autocorrelation#
Let us assume an arbitrary (discrete) stationary time series, \(S=[S_1,S_2,...,S_m]^T\), with mean \(\mathbb{E}(S)=\mu\) and variance \(Var(S_{i})=\sigma^2\). Remember that stationarity implies that the statistical properties of the time series do not depend on the time at which it is observed, i.e. expectation and variance are constant over time.
The formal (or: theoretical) autocovariance is defined as
We have that \(Cov(S_t, S_{t-\tau}) =Cov(S_t, S_{t+\tau})\).
Show that the covariance can be written as:
Prove that \(Cov(S_t, S_{t-\tau}) =Cov(S_t, S_{t+\tau})\):
From the definition of covariance, we know that $\( Cov(a,b) = Cov(b,a)\)$
Hence, we have that
Due to the stationarity of the time series, we have that
Therefore, we have that
The formal autocorrelation is defined as
When we have a zero-mean time series, \(\mu=0\), it follows that \(c_{\tau}=r_{\tau}\)
Empirical autocovariance#
The autocovariance function of a time series is not known beforehand, and hence needs to be estimated based on the actual observed values. The least-squares method or maximum likelihood method can be used to estimate this empirical autocovariance function of a time series. Let us see how!
Least-squares estimation
For a given stationary time series \(S = [S_1,S_2,...,S_m]^T\), the least-squares estimator of the autocovariance function is given by
The least-squares estimator of autocorrelation (also called empirical autocorrelation function) is then
Maximum likelihood estimations
The maximum likelihood estimator of autocovariance is given by
Note that this is a biased estimator, \(\mathbb{E}(\hat{C}_{\tau})\neq c_{\tau}\).
Similarly, the maximum likelihood estimate of the autocorrelation follows as:
Here we use capitals for \(\hat{C}_{\tau}\) and \(\hat{R}_{\tau}\) since estimators are always a function of the random observables \(S_t\).
Covariance matrix based on autocovariance#
The structure of a covariance matrix for a stationary time series is purely symmetric and it looks like
There are \(m\) (co)variance components - one variance component, \(\sigma^2 = c_0\), and \(m-1\) covariance components, \(c_i\).
Normalized ACF#
The least-squares estimator of the autocovariance function (ACF) has some important properties (derivations are outside the scope of MUDE).
The empirical autocovariance function is an unbiased estimator of the formal autocovariance function
The normalized autocovariance estimator can directly be obtained from the autocovariance estimator as
The estimated normalized autocovariance is the same as the time dependent Pearson correlation coefficient.
In literature \(\hat{\rho}_{\tau}\) is often referred to as the autocorrelation function.
The variance of the normalized ACF can be approximated as
If \(m\) is sufficiently large, \(\hat{\rho}_{\tau}\) is normally distributed:
Worked example#
Let us consider a time series of \(m=100\) observations, such that
We know that
with \(\rho_1\) unknown and
We will now apply a test whether the estimated autocorrelation is significant. The null hypothesis assumes there is no correlation:
\(\mathcal{H}_0\): \(\rho_1=0\)
\(\mathcal{H}_a\): \(\rho_1 \neq 0\)
Since we know the distribution of \(\hat{\rho}_1\), a suitable test statistic would be:
where we would reject \(\mathcal{H}_0\) if \(|T|>k_{\alpha}\). With a false alarm rate of \(\alpha = 0.01\), we find that the critical value can be obtained from the table of the standard normal distribution. Note that we have a 2-sided critical region, hence we need to look up the value for \(0.5\alpha\).
In this example, we obtain:
and hence the null hypothesis is rejected, implying that the autocorrelation is significant.
A zero-mean stationary noise process consists of \(m=5\) observations:
What is the least-squares estimate of the normalized ACF at \(\tau=1\); so compute \(\hat{\rho}_{1}\)?
The normalized autocovariance function (ACF) can be estimated from the auto-covariance function as:
where the least-squares estimate of auto-covariance function is:
For our application we have \(\mu_y=0\), as we deal with a zero-mean process. We have to compute \(\hat{\sigma}(0)\) and \(\hat{\sigma}(1)\) given as: